Securing Legacy Maintenance Software

July 1, 2024

Outdated fleet software puts your company at risk of cyberattacks. One breach can cripple operations and finances. Download the National Motor Freight Traffic Association Inc.’s (NMFTA)™ whitepaper to learn about new threats, vulnerabilities, and solutions for securing your legacy systems.


June 1, 2022

The fuel in your fleet’s tanks is a high-demand commodity—and one of your largest hard-dollar costs. Thieves take little risk in stealing and reselling it for thousands of dollars a day. Learn how smart fleet management technology can help you protect your fleet and its fuel.

Read this white paper to learn: 

  • the 6 costs of fuel theft 

  • 5 red flags that fuel has been stolen 

  • how smart fleet management extends your prevention strategies 


May 1, 2022

Fuel prices are high, but your company has worked hard to implement the right fuel program; you’ve negotiated discounts with retail chains and set up bulk and mobile fueling deals… right? 

Sokolis Group

May 1, 2022

The Bennett Family of Companies improved its trailer tracking ability by ditching battery-operated devices for SkyBitz’s solar-powered, real-time tracking platform. And saved $1000 per week in labor costs! Discover how in this success story.  

Get Your Copy Now! 


May 1, 2022

Going green isn’t just about electrification. It starts with smaller, more practical steps you can take today. Our practical guide includes both short-term strategies and long-term strategies to operating a greener fleet. 


May 1, 2022

Large verdicts against motor carriers have been increasing. Fleets that adopt dashcams are in a better position to defend against claims. This paper includes important information about the increasingly litigious landscape carriers operate in and the protection that dashcams provide. 


April 1, 2022

A new guide from SkyBitz presents useful tips for alleviating present capacity and cost pressures with simple-to-use technology for three areas of opportunity: 1) driver retention, 2) driver safety, and 3) trailer utilization. Download your free copy!


March 1, 2022

Solve the challenges of toll invoices with INFORM Tolling from PrePass! Read this new guide and learn how this easy-to-use tolling software provides tools to: identify areas for toll savings, streamline toll disputes, manage violations, prevent fraud and more!


March 1, 2022

The trucking industry is standing at a crossroads. Between the driver shortage and the challenges in recruitment and retention, this guide gets to the heart of the problem. You’ll learn shocking statistics around driver health, how it’s feeding the driver shortage, and a new pool of drivers to recruit from.  


March 1, 2022

BYD electric trucks are hard at work across North America, moving freight at ports and railyards, making deliveries, and collecting refuse. BYD trucks are environmentally friendly with zero harmful emissions while also providing the reliability and performance you need. Our truck’s safe and reliable battery technology improve your bottom line with lower fuel and maintenance costs. 


February 1, 2022

Drawing on the combined expertise and hands-on experience of dozens of trucking/logistics IT Executives, this comprehensive guide explores the seven core benefits every TMS must deliver: fast, low-cost deployment , automatic software updates, future-proof technology, turnkey integrations, intelligent driver workflow, maximum security and readiness, and business intelligence. 

Magnus Technologies

February 1, 2022

Oil prices have crept back into the $70s, wholesale prices continued to fall, but not much has changed with demand and supply. As we get into 2022 and the winter weather, prices will reach back into the $80s.

Sokolis Group

February 1, 2022

Most freight brokers are inundated with incoming emails from customers looking for a spot quote. Tai Email Assistant is a feature within Tai TMS that uses AI to extract shipment details from incoming quote requests and automatically responds with a quote in minutes.

Tai Software