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Business, Technology, Perspective

Perspective: Using AI to Reduce Turnover

Fleets searching for ways to find and retain safe drivers can find answers in their own data, if they know how to properly mine it, says Hayden Cardiff of Idelic.

Hayden Cardiff | CEO, Idelic
January 28, 2020
Government, Business, Perspective

Perspective: An Unexpectedly Good Job Market

With labor market data for the 2010s behind us after the employment report released earlier this month, the big takeaway for the decade is that a much higher level of employment was possible without generating inflation.

Conor Sen | Bloomberg Opinion
January 22, 2020
Government, Business, Safety, Perspective

Perspective: California’s AB 5 Threatens Future of ‘Gig’ Economy

California’s effort to reshape the “gig” economy hit a significant roadblock earlier this month when a federal court issued a temporary injunction prohibiting the application of the state’s new rules to truck drivers, citing a conflict with federal law. The roadblock is by no means fatal, but it’s not insignificant — not when there are so many lawsuits left to be decided.

Stephen L. Carter | Bloomberg Opinion
January 15, 2020
Government, Business, Technology, Fuel, Logistics, Perspective

Perspective: Green Shipping on the Big Blue Sea

Shipping companies are taking steps to adapt to rising sea levels and make themselves greener.

Hagar Valiano-Rips | CEO, Ladingo
January 7, 2020
Business, Technology, Perspective

Perspective: Succession Planning for Tech Transitions

Successful business leaders must learn to anticipate, embrace and respond to the innovations around them, says Ben Wiesen of Carrier Logistics Inc. Has your company planned for the turnover of old technology?

Ben Wiesen | President, Carrier Logistics Inc.
December 27, 2019
Business, Technology, Logistics, Perspective

Perspective: Looking Forward With 5G

The technology elephant in the room for warehouse operators is 5G wireless technology; specifically, whether it’s worthwhile for the sector to convert from existing 4G systems.

Mike Maris | Director of Transportation and Logistics, Zebra Technologies
December 18, 2019
Business, Technology, Logistics, Perspective

Perspective: New Year, New Logistics Efficiencies

As the year comes to a close, it’s a natural time for companies to look at what worked in 2019 and what didn’t, and make plans for the year ahead. For some companies, taking a hard look at their order fulfillment workflow — and ways it might be streamlined in 2020 — is a New Year’s resolution to consider.

Johannes Panzer | Head of Industry Solutions, E-commerce, Descartes Systems Group
December 10, 2019
Business, Technology, Equipment, Perspective

Perspective: Augmented Reality as a Training Tool

The emerging technology of augmented reality is becoming more viable for fleets that want to recruit and retain technicians.

Matt Johnston | Division Head, Commercial Solutions Design Interactive Inc.
December 3, 2019
Government, Business, Safety, Logistics, Perspective

Perspective: Let Your Voice Bring About Change

When the laws governing the trucking business inevitably change, those who show up and speak up can help bring change for the better.

Donald G. Oren | Chairman, Dart Transit Co.
November 22, 2019
Business, Technology, Safety, Logistics, Perspective

Perspective: Blockchain Useful in the Food Supply Chain

Blockchain technology is capable of providing end-to-end transparency about where food originated and traveled, which can help reduce the risk of foodborne illness and the cost of produce contamination.

John Monarch | CEO & Co-Founder, ShipChain
November 19, 2019