oakland News Updates
Port of Oakland Begins Project to Raise Height of Four Cranes
In nine months, 366-foot cranes will soar 27 feet taller, towering above container vessels at California’s Port of Oakland on the San Francisco Bay.
May 19, 2017Port of Oakland: Big-Rig Smog Checks Reflect Change in Trucking Industry
For trucking companies at the Port of Oakland, California, the hardest part is mostly over — if they're still in business, that is.
TraPac to Require Truckers to Book Appointments at Port of Oakland
A third terminal operator at the Port of Oakland has instituted an appointment system for trucking companies picking up import containers.
December 2, 2016Port of Oakland Reports October Exports Highest Since 2013
The Port of Oakland reached a three-year high for exports in October, port officials announced in the monthly results released Nov. 7.
November 7, 2016Oakland Port Slashes Dirty Diesel Pollution in Long Campaign
Emissions from ships, trucks and trains at the Port of Oakland in California dropped by 75% since 2015 after a $100 million cleanup campaign.
Port of Oakland: Terminal Expansion Could Increase Volume, Add Jobs
OAKLAND, Calif. — One of the Port of Oakland's largest terminal operators is gearing up to double its terminal size, which port officials say can increase efficiency and volume at the port, as well as bring in more jobs.
What to Do With Empty Terminals in Oakland? Nothing, Port Says
The half-dozen giant cranes that once lifted huge containers of goods on 160 acres of East Bay waterfront now lie dormant.
Port of Oakland Opens New Rail Yard
OAKLAND — While public uproar over a proposal to export coal may have slowed down one redevelopment project at the former Oakland Army Base, another one has been quietly under construction.
Port of Oakland to Keep Extended Night Hours for Trucks
After a three-month pilot program to alleviate truck backups, the Port of Oakland's largest terminal operator is planning to keep its gates open at night and will begin charging a new flat fee to pay for the extended hours.
Port of Oakland Cargo Operations Snarled by Labor-Management Dispute
OAKLAND, Calif. — A labor dispute linked to a group of dismissed dockworkers disrupted cargo handling at the Port of Oakland on March 28, and completely halted operations at one of the terminals at the East Bay cargo hub, port officials said.