#InfrastructureWeek News Updates
Road Builders Coalition Visits Washington in May to Push for Trust Fund Fix
The Transportation Construction Coalition of road builders and labor unions is scheduled to meet for its annual advocacy meeting in Washington next month to call for long-term funding for infrastructure projects nationwide.
Opinion: A Future for Highway Funding
For decades, America’s roads and bridges were paid for by the users of transportation systems through modest fuel taxes. The system worked well for years, but as vehicles became more fuel efficient and cars that use little or no fuel at all became more prevalent, less revenue from this user fee flowed into the Highway Trust Fund. It's time to forge a new path forward.
Municipalities Tasked With Climate-Resilient Infrastructure, FEMA Says
WASHINGTON — Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long said although the agency takes into account rising seas when preparing for disasters, advancing resilient infrastructure projects begins at municipalities.
Lawmakers Stress Highway Funding, but an Infrastructure Bill Remains Months Away
WASHINGTON — An infrastructure package will probably take a back seat to bills relating to the Federal Aviation Administration, farming and water resources, which will continue to dominate Congress’ attention in the coming months, according to Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.).
Eno's Jeff Davis Joins Capitol Agenda for the Week of May 17, 2016
Jeff Davis, senior fellow at the Eno Center for Transportation, joins TT's Eugene Mulero to talk transportation funding and the FAST Act during Infrastructure Week. More at bit.ly/TTCA0516
May 17, 2016