Wyoming Gov. Signs Bill to Add a Dime to State’s 14-Cent Diesel, Gasoline Tax

Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead (R) has signed a bill that will add a dime to the state’s 14-cent-per-gallon tax on diesel and gasoline.

Mead signed the bill Friday, the day after it was approved by the state legislature. The increase takes effect in July.

The measure was heavily supported by the state’s trucking industry, which opposed other measures designed to raise revenue via mileage taxes or tolls on Interstate 80.

The higher fuel tax will increase the tax to 24 cents and generate about $70 million annually in additional revenue, although the Wyoming Department of Transportation said it needs $134 million more each year to maintain the road network.

Under the bill, about two-thirds of the new $70 million would go to WDOT and the rest to local governments for roads.