Opinion: A Signal for Safety

By Richard J. Manfredi

As an American Trucking Associations member committed to safe, top-quality transportation services, I believe that it’s time we send a signal to our employees, shippers, the transportation safety community, government and all highway users that ATA members are committed to safety.

As chairman of the ATA Safety Policy Committee, I recently proposed that ATA initiate a “Safe and Essential Carrier” program. This program could require ATA members to pledge to follow an established set of safety-related guidelines. ATA members would be recognized for our pledge and our commitment to safety by displaying a program logo on our trucks.

As you know, Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater recently announced the Department of Transportation’s effort to reduce highway fatalities by 50% over the next 10 years. I strongly believe that as leaders in the trucking industry, ATA members need to rise to this challenge and set the pace on safety. If we take this responsibility and lead, other carriers will have no choice but to follow. It will mean a safer, more productive industry. And those who choose not to participate will be sending their own message.

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Others have proven that this type of program can have a significant impact on the performance and perception of an industry. In trucking, adopting such guidelines for excellence will have positive effects on safety performance, driver and other employee recruitment efforts, employee attitude and company morale, company reputation and industry image, and the important competitive sales process.

Over the course of the next few months, this initiative will undergo review and consideration by the ATA Safety Policy Committee and the board of directors. I have made a personal commitment to this program, and I urge you to become involved in the debate. If you want to shape the direction of the industry, you’ve got to get involved in the process.