Ontario Works to Avert Trucker Protests on Fuel

The Ontario Trucking Association and the National Truckers Association, both based in Ontario, have caught the attention of the provincial government and are working with them to avert threatened shutdowns in trucking services because of fuel prices.

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NTA, with 1,800 owner-operators, has threatened blockades of fuel depots and shutdowns in response to recent fuel price hikes in Ontario.

Recent diesel fuel prices in the province have been hovering around 79.2 cents per liter in Canadian currency, which is about $C3.81 per gallon (equivalent to $2.57 in the United States).

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About 400 NTA members met on Sept. 17 and decided to put off a decision on staging blockades.

For the full story, see the Sept. 25 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.