NTDC Photo Diary - Aug. 9

Staff photographer Michael James is in New Orleans documenting this year's truck driving championships. More pictures will be added daily throught the competition.

Mark F. Hassemer, Wisconsin 4-axle Champion from Yellow Freight (left) and California 4-axle Champion Mark Foster of Penske Logistics talk it over while waiting their turn to climb into the cab of the truck they have selected to drive in competition.NTDC officials begin laying out one of the courses inside the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.

Michael James - Transport Topics
Marty H. Lawson, Jr. of Harley-Davidson Transportation a two-time grand champion answers a question while Scot Bishop of Viking Trucking Co. (center) and Mark Velkoff of ExxonMobil (right) listen in.

Michael James - Transport Topics


Michael James - Transport Topics
Roger L. Lanham, Tank Class Champion from West Virginia (Overnite) waits as final instructions are given for the written exam that makes up a portion of their overall score. Before these truckers can show their stuff behind the wheel, a little pencilwork is required to demonstrate their knowledge of trucking rules and regulations.

America's Road Team Co-Captain Marty Fortun (right) answers a question at a NTDC press conference. On the left is fellow co-captain - and wife - Lisa Fortun. The two are team drivers for Schneider National Carriers.