No Consensus On Ensuring Fuel Supplies

Last winter’s stark scene of high fuel prices and truck protests outside Capitol Hill have left some members of Congress hoping that history doesn’t repeat itself this coming season.

Rep. Joe Barton, chairman of the House Energy and Power Subcommittee, convened fuel experts on May 24 and sought their opinions on how to ensure Americans would have enough fuel and natural gas to drive their vehicles and heat their homes.

While members of his subcommittee were taking comment on ways to ensure adequate supplies of energy, no consensus emerged from the hearing. Some congressman talked about the importance of conservation. Others spoke about alternative energy sources, increased use of mass transit, as well as retaining and granting tax breaks to encourage domestic fuel production.

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ne bright note is that diesel fuel prices should remain at current levels for the remainder of this year, but could be susceptible to a spike upward this winter, a Department of Energy official said during a break in testimony.

For the full story, see the May 29 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.