Natso Pleased Congress Dropped Commercialization of Rest Areas

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YRTLE BEACH, S.C. — Truck stop owners gathered here for their annual convention celebrated the removal of language from the federal highway reauthorization bill that would have permitted the commercialization of rest areas on Interstates and said fighting similar proposals remains its top legislative priority this year.

Natso Inc., the trade association representing truck stop owners, successfully lobbied Congress to continue the ban against offering commercial food and fuel services at rest areas attached directly to Interstates.

The association said commercialization would hurt counties and cities by forcing the closure of businesses near interchanges, thereby removing a valuable source of money.

“It’s a big win for Natso,” said Linda Van Arsdale, the association’s director of government affairs, “but we have to continue to educate people.”

For the full story, see the Jan. 26 edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.