Industry Prepares for SSRS Fight

PHOENIX — Fresh from a victory in the hours-of-service issue, won in part by a united stand within the industry, for-hire interstate motor carriers and their representatives wrestled among themselves over how to approach efforts to sink the Single State Registration System.

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Officials of American Trucking Associations told motor carriers here that SSRS will probably be an important issue on Capitol Hill in the Congress of 2001-02. The company executives, who are members of the National Accounting and Finance Council of ATA, did not respond enthusiastically.

While the company managers may not like SSRS, they do not necessarily see its destruction as feasible. ATA’s goal is to eliminate the registration system and prohibit any kind of replacement by the states, but many carrier executives feel the states will find a way to fill the void and probably create individual requirements in its wake that are anything but uniform (2-21, p. 4).

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John R. Jabas, an NAFC subcommittee chairman, spoke from the viewpoint of a truckload carrier. “Don’t eliminate SSRS; replace it with a Unified Carrier Registration System. If you try to eliminate it without compensating the states, that isn’t going to work,” he said.

For the full story, see the Oct. 23 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.