ew regulations set to take effect in Illinois July 1 will limit idling of Class 2 and higher diesel-powered trucks to 10 minutes in the Chicago and East St. Louis, Ill., metro areas.
Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) signed the measure into law June 9 tightening idling rules for diesel-fueled vehicles of more than 8,000 pounds in the metro areas that are not in compliance with federal air quality standards, the governor’s office said in a release.
The law allows exceptions when the outdoor air temperature is below 32 degrees or above 80 degrees, when drivers are loading/unloading or sleeping in berths and for other emergency or special situations, the governor’s office said.
Class 2 vehicles run from 6,001 pounds to 10,000 pounds; Classes 3-8 are heavier. Violators face fines of $50 for a first offense and $150 for second and subsequent offenses.