First Deadline for ULSD Refining Takes Effect Thursday
hursday June 1 marked the first day that refiners must begin producing or importing ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel, in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
According to the Oil Price Information Service, these are some of the key deadlines for the rollout of ULSD:
• June 1 — Refiners and importers outside of California must start producing/importing ULSD that is 15 parts per million sulfur. At least 80% of diesel must meet the 15 ppm, though 20% can be 500 ppm. In California, all must be 15 ppm, the 80/20 rule does not apply.
• Sept. 1 — All highway diesel fuel dispensed at refining and distribution terminals must be 15 ppm sulfur.
font size=4>• Oct. 15 — All highway diesel fuel dispensed at retail outlets and deemed to be ULSD fuel must be 15 ppm sulfur.
“Just as taking the lead out of gasoline in the 1970s enabled a new generation of emissions control technologies that made gasoline vehicles over 95% cleaner, so will removing the sulfur from diesel help usher in a new generation of clean diesel technology,” said Allen Schaeffer, executive director of the Diesel Technology Forum, which promotes clean diesel technologies and usage.
American Trucking Associations said that while it supports cleaner diesel, it was concerned about distribution, cost and supply issues related to ULSD. (Click here for previous coverage.)