EPA Web Site Highlights Emissions Tests

The Environmental Protection Agency is creating a Web site on testing programs related to emissions from mobile sources.

Starting early next year, visitors will be able to search the site’s database by key word to find listings of federal, industry and academic evaluations and find out what mobile source emissions studies are taking place.

The Web listings will include a page or two on each project, covering the funding sources, research schedule, research goals and how much it costs. The site will not, however, post any of the studies’ hard data, according to John T. White, EPA’s project officer for the effort.

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“It’s for people in the emission profession, mostly, people like state and local air quality planners, people writing regulations, people in the testing business,” White said. But “if you worked for Detroit Diesel, you could find out where your engines are being tested, what they’re being tested for and maybe the principal investigators.”

For the full story, see the Dec. 6 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.