DOT Urges Phase-in of Driver Hours Rule Enforcement
B>For the full text of FMCSA's notice click here
The U.S. Department of Transportation has urged traffic enforcement authorities to give truck drivers warnings - not citations - for a 60-day period following implementation of new driver workday rules starting Jan. 4.
DOT Secretary Norman Mineta said drivers will face "aggressive education coupled with discretionary enforcement" of the new rules, and that DOT will ask states to write warnings for all but the most flagrant violations.
By Transport Topics
FMCSA Press Release: New Trucking Hours-of-Service Rule to Go into Effect Jan. 4
Education, Enforcement Against Flagrant Violators to be Focus in First 60 Days
Commercial truck drivers not following new rules governing the hours they can drive will face aggressive education coupled with discretionary enforcement for a 60-day period starting Jan. 4, the day the overhauled rules take effect, U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta announced today.
The decision is meant to ensure long-term compliance and understanding of the new safety rules, Secretary Mineta said. The new rule represents the first major rewrite of the hours-of-service regulations in more than 60 years. It synchronizes the commercial drivers’ work and rest schedule better with the body’s circadian rhythm to reduce fatigue and save lives.
“As we get closer to the implementation date, we are finding that too many truckers still have questions about these rules,” Mineta said. “It’s our version of on-the-job training for drivers who aren’t sure how or whether the new safety rules apply to them.”
He said states will be asked to write warnings instead of citations for all but flagrant violations, and to use every stop as an opportunity to educate drivers about the new rules. Federal inspectors from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) will coordinate education and enforcement efforts from regional offices across the country.
The decision also gives Department officials time to work out a solution with Congress on rules for truck drivers who work for public utilities and respond to emergency outages.
“We want a solution that keeps road safe, water flowing and the lights on,” Mineta said, predicting cooperation among everyone concerned and optimism that a solution can be found.
Federal officials already have answered thousands of questions from truck drivers and their employers about the new rules, but Secretary Mineta said the goal is to get details of the changes to all operators as soon as possible.
"We want to do whatever we can to make certain everyone is aware and ready to comply as soon as possible,” Secretary Mineta said.
Detailed information about the rule is at, and FMCSA will staff a toll-free telephone line around the clock beginning Dec. 29 to answer drivers’ questions. The phone number is 1-800-598-5664.