Diesel Average Continues to Climb

The price of diesel fuel climbed to new heights last week, amid a frenzy of protests, threatened protests, proposals, counterproposals, promises and caveats.

Fuel Prices

Week of Mar. 13:
OPIS self-serve*148.2+2.4
OPIS wholesale*93.3+0.7
*Comdata and OPIS figures are for the week of Mar. 4-10. Click here for more fuel prices.
Crisis at the PumpMore coverage on Truckline

But, while users of diesel fuel hope to benefit from the overall furor, it was the sudden run-up of gasoline prices, to an average of $1.566 for regular, according to the federal government’s weekly survey, that grabbed most of the news headlines and governmental attention.

The gasoline price is, on average, 55 cents a gallon higher than it was in March 1999.

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Last week, the national average retail price of diesel fuel, as reported by the Energy Information Administration, was $1.496, up 0.6 cent from the previous record high of $1.49, set a week earlier.

For the full story, see the Mar. 20 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.