CDL Mills Pose Vexing Problems To Accredited Schools, Carriers

When you call and get put on hold with Commercial Driver Training Inc. in West Babylon, N.Y., you don’t have to listen to a Muzak version of “New York, New York” or a tape-looped woman swearing your call is important to her. Instead, the hold message is an upbeat sermon about how you can turn your life around by becoming a professional truck driver — if you sign on with CDT.

“We have courses ranging from one day to 12 weeks.”

“We are able to offer student loans to those who qualify.”

“Now is the time to pursue your career in commercial truck driving.”

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The school is fighting hard to attract students to a program that takes longer and costs more than the quick-fix courses that can be found down the street at one of the bargain-basement schools that dot the country.

For the full story, see the Mar. 20 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.