ATA Cites Concerns on California Diesel Emissions Bill
merican Trucking Associations sent to the California state Senate committees opposing a state bill on diesel particulate matter emission monitoring.
The bill, known as the “magnet bill” due to the perception that certain facilities attract diesel particulate matter emissions like magnets, will require rail yards, ports, and airports to monitor emissions at their sites, designate sources of emissions, and develop/implement mitigation plans to reduce emissions.
The state’s Assembly passed the measure in January and it has now been assigned to the California Senate transportation committee.
ATA also said it is unclear how the requirements in the bill will interact with the California Air Resources Board’s ongoing efforts to regulate emissions at ports, rail yards, and airports, and with federal efforts to reduce diesel emissions associated with ships, trains, trucks, and fuels.
The group said it believes that state and federal governments should continue to be the main regulatory agencies to help maintain consistency over mobile sources that facilitate interstate commerce and business throughout California.