Volvo Trucks Start European Platoon Demonstration Tour

Three Volvo trucks started a platoon demonstration drive from Gothenburg, Sweden, to Rotterdam, Netherlands, on March 18.
The demonstration is part of the European Truck Platooning Challenge with the aim of moving a step closer to allowing the fuel-saving technology on roads, Volvo Group said.
It currently is not possible to use the technology on Europe’s roads because legislation differs among countries on what is a safe driving distance between trucks.
“We believe that platooning offers major advantages, mainly for our customers, but also for society in the form of fuel savings, reduced emissions and enhanced transportation efficiency," Anders Kellström, project manager for Volvo’s participation in the challenge, said in a statement. "Together with the rest of society, the transportation industry needs to tackle such challenges as the harmonization of legislation."
The trucks communicate wirelessly and can drive with only about a 1-second gap between the vehicles in a platoon. The close formation of the trucks reduces drag and improves fuel economy.
“Essentially, this means that the reaction time for breaking is reduced to zero, which in turn improves safety and minimizes the ‘accordion effect’ in connection with traffic congestion,” Kellström said.
Daimler Trucks recently demonstrated a three-truck platoon on the Autobahn as part of an event to spotlight the growing importance of connectivity. During the demonstration, as cars cut in between the trucks, the trucks automatically altered their distances until the path was clear again.