South Carolina, Georgia Suspend HOS for Fuel Hauling

With winter moving into the southern states, Georgia and South Carolina have suspended the hours-of-service requirements for truckers hauling fuel.

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford issued an executive order Tuesday declaring a state of emergency for 30 days in which drivers can exceed the federal HOS limit if hauling fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, kerosene and liquid petroleum gas.

Under South Carolina law, the governor is allowed to suspend the HOS when either Georgia or North Carolina does so.

The day before Sanford acted, Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue issued a similar 30-day emergency executive order but, unlike Sanford’s order, Perdue’s was limited to drivers transporting liquid propane gas.

In North Carolina, meanwhile, the governor, Bev Perdue, has not suspended the HOS rule.

Under federal regulations, governors can suspend the HOS rule for up to 30 days at a time during states of emergency.