Ohio Ponders Uniform Speed Limits

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — Some Ohio truckers are hoping that a newly elected Legislature and a new governor could lead to a uniform speed limit for the state.

Many truckers argue that the current split of Ohio speed limits — 65 mph for cars, 55 for trucks — is dangerous.

"The biggest thing we can do to improve safety on Ohio’s roads is to eliminate split speed limits," said Raymond L. Kasicki, a Cleveland truck driver and a board member of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association. "Make the speed limit whatever you want, but make it the same for everyone," he told a committee of the Ohio House.

He said traffic needs to move at the same speed to avoid congestion and backups.

"I drive in 35 states, and driving in Ohio is one of the most difficult," he said. "Split speed makes it difficult for cars and trucks to coexist."

For the full story, see the April 27 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.