Martin-Brower Driver Named America’s Best

Two days after being named America’s safest truck driver, Thomas C. Turner was still feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Michael James - Transport Topics
Michael James - Transport Topics
2000 NTDC Grand Champion Tom C. Turner
Interviewed Aug. 14 from Atlanta after participating in a highway safety press conference with American Trucking Associations, Turner said he had no idea that winning the National Truck Driving Championships would be so eventful.

“It’s wild. I thought I would get it and leave,” he said of his experience so far.

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Turner received the title of Grand Champion at an Aug. 12 banquet that marked the end of the competition in New Orleans. He returned to his home in Carrollton, Ga., about 30 miles west of Atlanta, the next day to a nonstop barrage of congratulatory telephone calls and picture-taking sessions.

For the full story, see the Aug. 21 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.