House Trucking Leader Endorses Trump

Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Bill Shuster on April 28 endorsed Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, citing his business acumen.
“Donald is a private-sector business leader who knows what it takes to get things done, and that is something that Washington desperately needs,” Shuster said, adding, “Donald also shares my passion for economic development, including making sure our nation’s infrastructure meets the needs of our citizens.”
“It’s time for our party to unite behind Donald Trump and focus our time and energy on defeating Hillary Clinton,” said Shuster (R-Pa.). Clinton, the former secretary of state and New York senator, is the Democratic front-runner in the presidential contest.
Shuster’s endorsement comes a day after he survived a primary challenge in the 9th District in central Pennsylvania from tea party-backed Art Halvorson. Political observers argued Halvorson benefited from Trump’s momentum in the Keystone State, which he won along with other East Coast states in what was dubbed the “Acela Primary.”
As leader of the transportation panel, Shuster oversees trucking and freight legislation.