In Georgia: Tom Graves, Running Unopposed: Why You Should Care

Each day this week, three times per day, Transport Topics reporter Eugene Mulero looks at one of 15 key congressional races that affect transportation interests, and explains Why You Should Care.

Today: Georgia's 14th District – Incumbent Republican Tom Graves, running unopposed.

Even though Rep. Tom Graves is running unopposed, the member of the 2010 tea party class is closely watched by trucking groups and most of the transportation community. Graves’ legislation that would give states control over federal spending on highway and transit programs is opposed by American Trucking Associations and many leading transportation groups. Graves has indicated he will push this so-called “devolution” legislation, which could gain momentum if his tea party peers stay in office. Graves also could enhance his influence as he moves up the ranks in the powerful House Appropriations Committee, with the retirements of Reps. Tom Latham and Frank Wolf, Republicans from Iowa and Virginia, respectively.

Have questions or comments about the 2014 election? Join us at 1 p.m. ET on Monday, Nov. 3, for a LiveOnWeb chat with TT reporter Eugene Mulero.

More races and Why You Should Care:


In Louisiana, Mary Landrieu vs. Bill Cassidy (Thursday, 10 a.m. ET)
