Florida Legislature Passes Bill to Encourage Use of Natural-Gas Vehicles

The Florida state legislature passed a bill that seeks to encourage natural gas use in vehicles by eliminating decal and licensing programs for natural gas and replacing them with a tax system similar to diesel fuel.

The bill, passed by the Senate on Thursday, also establishes a five-year period in which there would be no taxes on natural gas and creates a rebate program to encourage fleets to expand their natural-gas use.

Florida’s House of Representatives passed the bill earlier this week, so the Senate action sends the measure to Gov. Rick Scott (R) for his signature.

“This legislation will pave the way for the increased use of natural gas; spurring economic growth, reducing our dependency on foreign oil and providing a cleaner burning source of fuel,” Sen. Wilton Simpson (R), the bill’s sponsor, said in a statement.

 “Florida now leads the nation in our crucial drive toward energy independence,” Eric Criss, chairman of the Florida Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition, said in a statement. “This is an important step forward in America’s evolving national security policy and in protecting our environment.”