Cargo Thefts, Value Increase in Second Quarter, Report Says

Bruce Harmon for TT
The number of cargo thefts increased 8% in the second quarter compared with last year, and the value of stolen goods increased about 70%, according to a report from CargoNet, which tracks trucking cargo crimes.

The value of goods stolen rose above $19.5 million, according to the report. It said food and beverages, particularly nuts and alcoholic drinks, were the biggest target of thieves.

“Thieves targeted a wider variety of products within the household items category,” the report said. “Some of the most targeted included major appliances, lawn mowers and furniture.”

Electronics were targeted, too. Televisions, computers and cellphones topped the list, with an aggregate value of $7.9 million that was the most in any category measured by the firm based in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Nearly 30% of thefts occurred at truck stops or in parking lots, and 9% were identified as fraudulent pickup scams. Just 2% involved violence.