British Business Unites Against Tax

PARIS — British industry has united in opposition to the government's 11% hike in diesel fuel taxes, which it claims will cost tens of thousands of jobs, and make Britain less competitive with other European countries.

The country's two trucking company groups, the Freight Transport Association and Road Haulage Association, have been joined by the Confederation of British Industry, farmers groups and truck driver unions in condemning the latest increase, which raises diesel taxes to about $3.30 per gallon.

"We have a vital interest in the competitiveness of British industry," the broad coalition of business groups wrote in a letter to editor of The Times newspaper. "Distribution is a significant element of manufactured costs, and the (government) should recognize that (this year's) budget has not only failed to improve our ability to compete, but has actually made matters worse."

In a surprise, The Times agreed in an editorial that "the budget has hit the road haulage industry too hard."

For the full story, see the March 29 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.