ATD Names Parker Chairman, Bertolino Wins Dealer of Year

This story appears in the April 11 print edition of Transport Topics.
Steve Parker, new chairman of the American Truck Dealers, told members at the group’s annual convention in Las Vegas that he plans to focus on education and advocacy during his two-year term.
Also during the ATD conference that ended April 3, Tom Bertolino, who is vice president of California’s NorCal Kenworth, was named 2016 Truck Dealer of the Year.
Parker, the new chairman, is president of Baltimore Potomac Truck Centers. He stressed the importance of those advocacy activities in the months ahead, due to the far-reaching effects of national and state elections, as well as ongoing and potential new regulatory proceedings. “The players keep changing,” said Parker, a second-generation dealer whose sons are also part of the business. “That means continuing to educate our state and federal officials about what we do — and what our products mean for consumers nationwide.”
“Before regulators enact rules and legislators create laws, let’s make sure they make sense for our industry,” said Parker, who operates five locations in Maryland and Virginia and sells Volvos, Macks and Hinos. “We need to have a say on how much excise tax we pay, or how we deal with truck emissions and highway funding, or how fuel economy laws can benefit us and our customers, not burden us. We need to be proactive about this more than ever. I like to call it “an outreach to prevent government overreach.”
The educational efforts particularly are aimed, Parker said, at remaining vigilant about Phase 2 greenhouse-gas rules, continuing to push for the complete elimination of federal excise taxes on trucks and working to maintain good relationships with manufacturers.
Parker thanked outgoing Chairman Eric Jorgensen, CEO of JX Enterprises in Hartland, Wisconsin, for two years of continuing commitment to advocacy for ATD members, including testimony before Congress and other activities in Washington.
Meanwhile, Bertolino was selected from a group of nominees by a committee of national and state industry leaders. The five finalists were reviewed by professors from Indiana University’s School of Business, who evaluated business performance, industry participation and civic activity.
“What a tremendous honor to say the least,” said Bertolino, whose thanks included his 85-year-old father, Liberty, other family members and business partners as well as employees. “We started this adventure 17 years ago in May. I want to also thank our customers, who continually challenge our team to offer the best transportation solutions.”
NorCal Kenworth operates at four locations — San Leandro, Morgan Hill, Sacramento and Anderson.
Dennis Thompson, chairman and CEO of Thompson Truck & Trailer Inc., was runner-up. His company operates locations in Illinois and Iowa.
Other finalists were Jerry Kocan, dealer principal of Four Star Freightliner, with locations in Alabama, Florida and Georgia, Ron Meyering, president and dealer principal of M&K Truck Centers, which operates Illinois, Indiana and Michigan dealerships, and Tom Noerr, co-owner and vice president of Pennsylvania dealer Noerr’s International.