ATA Offers Carriers Guidance on Potential Pandemic Preparations

American Trucking Associations has reminded motor carriers of the actions they should take to prepare for a possible influenza pandemic in light of the swine flu outbreak.

ATA helped the Department of Homeland Security to develop its Highway Motor Carrier Pandemic Guideline, a document that outlines actions motor carriers should take and questions they should ask to prepare for a flu pandemic.

The guideline focuses upon preserving a motor carrier's essential operations, the operations that DHS says would cause “significant local, regional and even national challenges” should they be disrupted.

DHS recommends that carriers prepare staff, equipment, materials and other aspects of the company’s essential operations for up to 12 weeks.

DHS also warns that federal, state and local regulations may change carriers’ business operations in the event of a flu pandemic.

ATA said that it is “continuously monitoring” the current swine flu outbreak and will provide updated information to carriers on its Web site,, as it learns more.

Click here to view the guideline (PDF file).