Truck Repossessions High Again in Fourth Quarter
epossessions and liquidations of tractor-trailer trucks nationwide rose in the fourth quarter, Nassau Asset Management said Wednesday.
In November, Nassau reported that overall equipment repossessions and liquidations during the first three quarters of 2005 had increased significantly for the first time since 2002.
That trend continued in fourth quarter for tractor-trailers, rising 145%, and construction equipment, up 44%, Nassau said. The fourth quarter is traditionally the slowest for repossessions and liquidations.
"Reports indicate that equipment leasing industry volume has been increasing. That means there was more leased equipment in the marketplace in 2005 than in 2004. Naturally, there will be a rise in repossessions and liquidations when the pool of equipment in the marketplace has increased," Castagna said.
Nassau provides asset recovery, appraisal, collections, liquidation and remarketing services for equipment leasing and finance companies across the nation.