Protect From Fraud With SCORE!

Completely eliminating the risk of fraud isn’t possible, regardless of which measures a company employs. However, intentionally evaluating accounting processes, procedures, and other areas can help reduce exposure, providing business owners greater peace of mind. 

Identifying and closing operational gaps that employees or people outside the company could use to commit fraud or theft isn’t foolproof, but it can make it significantly more difficult to perpetrate the fraud—enough to look for easier alternatives elsewhere.

Fraud and theft may make headlines, but many transportation and logistics companies do greater damage to their long-term financial health by neglecting everyday issues that can result in outdated policies, inadequate controls, and operational inefficiencies.

Systems Control and Operations Risk Evaluation (SCORE!)

SCORE! is a diagnostic tool for your systems, processes, and efficiencies. A SCORE! engagement is customizable to different settings and circumstances.

Assess Organization Processes

The tool can focus on specific operational areas, such as revenue, cash receipting, or disbursements. You select for analysis only those processes that are most relevant to your organization.

Five Benefits of Evaluating Processes and Procedures

There are five distinct benefits to evaluating business processes and procedures to help your organization reduce risk.

SCORE! Benefits

Chart 1

How Does SCORE! Work?

A SCORE! consulting engagement would evaluate specific control cycles of your company. The resulting practical report outlines selected elements of your current control structure and compares it to a best practice.

Process Overview

Select the processes that are most relevant to your business for analysis, such as:

  • Accounts receivable
  • Accounts payable
  • Cash controls and management
  • Revenue recognition
  • State and local taxes
  • Other liabilities

Our professionals visit your organization for two to five days, depending on the number of SCORE! processes you select, to perform diagnostic procedures and tests.

Using tools developed by Moss Adams, we assess the operational processes you request and provide a practical comprehensive written report within one to two weeks. This report is an objective, comprehensive assessment of your organization’s operations in predetermined areas and includes recommendations for changes and improvement.

Engagement Approach

A SCORE! engagement is based on the level of detail you desire in the report. The benefit of this type of project is the ability to modify the engagement to fit your unique needs.

The following is an outline of the general approach.

Chart 2

To learn more about a SCORE! engagement and how it could benefit your company, please contact your Moss Adams professional. You can also visit our Transportation & Logistics Practice for additional resources.


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At Moss Adams, we believe in the power of possible. A business and personal advisory firm with more than 100 years of experience and 4,400 professionals across 30+ markets, we work with clients to meet the rising challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

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