Natso Joins R.I. Trucking Association in Fight Against Truck-Only Tolls

Natso President Lisa Mullings predicted RhodeWorks would damage Rhode Island’s economy as she joined RITA President Chris Maxwell at a rally against the program on Oct. 18 at the Travel Centers of America truck stop in West Greenwich, Rhode Island.
“Tolls have been shown time and again to create traffic diversion as drivers, who detest [them] seek to find alternative routes,” Mullings said at the rally. “That loss of traffic will very quickly create a harsh reality for consumers, employees and local communities. Businesses will be forced to increase prices for goods sold, residents stand to lose jobs if businesses falter. Towns and communities will lose millions in tax revenues used to support schools, fire departments and other public services. Furthermore, this deplorable economic disruption will replicate across the country as other states seek to follow in Rhode Island’s footsteps.”
State Rep. Sherry Roberts encouraged voters to punish her fellow legislators who voted to approved RhodeWorks this year.
"This is our chance to really take back our government," Roberts said at the rally. "If your senator or representative voted in favor of these tolls, vote them out," she told the rally.
Trucks will pay $3 at each of the 14 planned tolls, up to a maximum of $20 daily.
Maxwell said that without singling out the trucking industry, Rhode Island could go a long way to raising the funds needed to repair the nation’s highest percentage of structurally deficient bridges by increasing the state’s diesel fuel tax from 34 cents per gallon to 53 cents per gallon.