More Than a Fifth of Vehicles Taken Out of Service During Roadcheck, CVSA Reports

However, that 21.5% figure for the 42,236 vehicles that received Level I inspections was nearly unchanged from the 21.6% in 2015 and the 23% in 2014. Only 3.4% of the drivers of those vehicles were found to be in violation with hours-of-service and false log entries, representing 46.8% and 16.4% of violations, respectively. That driver figure was 3.6% in 2015 and 4% in 2014.
The out-of-service rate for all 62,796 vehicles inspected was 17.8%, compared with 17.5% in 2015 and 18.7% in 2014. While tire/wheel violations accounted for 18.5% of the violations during the event, whose focus was tire safety, brakes were clearly the biggest culprit, representing 45.7% of the violations.
“International Roadcheck is an annual reminder of the diligence and dedication of law enforcement officials and commercial motor vehicle safety professionals,” said Scott Darling, administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, who was on hand for inspections June 7 in West Friendship, Maryland.
More than 1.5 million inspections have been performed during Roadcheck’s 29 years. A Level I inspection is a 37-step procedure that involves an examination of the driver’s duty status record and the vehicle’s safety. Drivers are required to provide items such as their license, endorsements, medical card and hours-of-service documentation. They’re also checked for seat belt usage and the possible use of alcohol and/or drugs.
The vehicle inspection covers the brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, exhaust systems, frames, fuel systems, lighting devices, steering mechanisms, suspensions, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheel assemblies, windshield wipers, emergency exits, electrical cables, engine and battery compartments.