Indiana’s Department of Transportation announced Aug. 2 that it has received 1,592 applications for 50/50 matching grants from 325 communities seeking funds for local road and bridge improvement projects.
The $190 million grant program, known as Community Crossings, was passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by Gov. Mike Pence on March 23.
“Community Crossings is a partnership between INDOT and Hoosier communities, both urban and rural, to invest in infrastructure projects that catalyze economic development, create jobs and strengthen local transportation networks,” INDOT said in a statement.
Projects that are eligible for Community Crossings matching grants include road resurfacing, bridge rehabilitation, road reconstruction, resurfacing, chip sealing, crack filling and Americans with Disabilities Act compliance.
The applications will be evaluated by INDOT's regional offices on need, traffic volume, local support, the impact on connectivity and mobility within the community, and regional economic significance. Winning communities will be notified by the end of August.