Four Named To Key Jobs At FMCSA

In the last moments before it hands over the reins of power, the Clinton administration is filling four associate administrator vacancies at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Two people are already on the job and two others have been named to take the other key positions. Associate administrators may be either career federal employees or presidential appointees.

Allan Fisher is serving as associate administrator for administration and Steve Barber is associate administrator for research and technology. Their appointments were made in December.

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Clyde J. Hart Jr., who is running the trucking agency, on loan from the Federal Maritime Administration, has named Brian McLaughlin to head FMCSA’s Enforcement and Program Delivery Office, and Phyllis Young to be associate administrator for policy and program development. Young and McLaughlin are expected to take their posts this week.

For the full story, see the Jan. 15 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.