DOT Sets Bridge Safety Initiative

The U.S. Department of Transportation has launched a new safety initiative to strengthen its oversight of bridges nationwide.
The new approach allows will allow the Federal Highway Safety Administration to more clearly and easily identify bridge issues in each state, DOT said.
Previously, FHWA, which is a DOT agency, prepared a written assessment of a particular state’s bridge inspections based on the general review of key inspection areas.
The new initiative will use a grid displaying inspection data for 23 specific key areas, including load limits, foundation scouring and state inspection frequency.
The approach will allow greater consistency in FHWA state assessments, making it easier to identify potential safety challenges and evaluate state bridge safety compliance, DOT said.
A bridge over the Mississippi River that was part of Interstate 35W in Minneapolis collapsed in August 2007, killing 13 people and injuring 145. A new bridge opened there about a year later.