DOT Awards $600 Million in TIGER Grants for Projects in 46 States

Missouri received $10 million from the grant program known as TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) that will be used to replace an aged Route 47 bridge over the Missouri River.
“We’re building bridges from Maine to Mississippi,” said Foxx. “We’re creating ladders of opportunity for the middle-class and those seeking to enter the middle-class by investing in transit, road and rail projects from Los Angeles to Detroit to New York City, increasing access to jobs and quality of life.”
Mississippi was granted $17.9 million to help improve the road system in Claiborne County, which the U.S. Department of Transportation said was an economically-disadvantaged rural region that needs to move people and goods more safely and efficiently.
Grant applications totaled 797, up from 585 applications in 2013, and the state and local government applicants requested 15 times the $600 million that was available for the program, Foxx said.
The TIGER grant program was begun in 2009 as part of the nation’s Economic Recovery Program and Congress has since renewed it each year.