Transportation Was Major Spender In 2002 Congressional Campaigns

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img src="/sites/default/files/images/articles/printeditiontag_new.gif" width=120 align=right>Transportation sector political action committees were major contributors to the 2002 congressional campaigns, doling out $13.5 million, according to an analysis of campaign spending by the Federal Election Commission, the Center for Responsive Politics and American Trucking Associations.

Of that total, ATA's Truck PAC gave $1.16 million to candidate committees in the 2001-02 campaign cycle. Truck PAC led the trucking sector, according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan research group.

The United Parcel Service PAC, which CRP placed in its air transport group, spent $1.29 million to lead that category. The Fed Ex PAC contributed $1.06 million.

For the full story, see the Dec. 16 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.