Study Cites Fuel, Maintenance as Critical Issues for Private Fleets
ontrolling escalating fuel costs for U.S. private truck fleets is the top industry concern, according to the results of a survey by First Fleet Corp. released Tuesday.
“The hottest topic in the trucking industry is finding new solutions to reduce fuel consumption and ways to lessen the impact of soaring prices on fleet profit margins,” said John Flynn, First Fleet Corp.’s chief executive officer.
“In the ongoing cost control war, private truck fleets are constantly looking for new ways to rein in operating expenses,” he said.
About one-third of those surveyed said they have on-site maintenance facilities, with 23% outsourcing maintenance and repair services.
The study also said that a large number of mechanics have been temporarily removed from the work force to serve in the war in Iraq.
It said about a third of respondents reported difficulties in recruiting or retaining qualified service technicians, but that just 3% of fleets have turned to outsourcing in the past two years.