N.Y. Thruway Toll Hikes Approved

Plan Includes Volume Discounts for Trucks

The New York the Thruway Authority’s board of directors has approved a series of toll hikes that will bring in an additional $125 million annually, the Associated Press reported.

The hikes for 641-mile highway came despite opposition from many elected officials, AP said.

The new toll structure approved Friday differs slightly from the one proposed last November, in that it preserves a volume discount for some trucks as well as discounts for hybrid vehicles, AP reported.

The increases, which will start in July and continue through January 2010, come on top of a 10% increase enacted this year, AP reported.

Thruway managers say the hikes were unavoidable because traffic volume has not been high enough to cover the cost of a $2.1 billion highway and bridge repair plan, AP said.

Drivers who pay cash will face two 5% hikes, while those who use the EZ-Pass will see what amounts to a 28% increase because of higher rates combined with lower discounts for using that payment system, AP reported.