Mac McCormick: Trucking Remembers a Leader
ALLAS — As trucking leaders, government officials and industry suppliers assembled for American Trucking Associations’ Management Conference & Exhibition, many were not aware of Mac McCormick’s death on Oct. 26 until they arrived here.
As the Oct. 28-31 conference unfolded, the shock and sadness of the sudden departure of McCormick, the chairman and chief executive officer of Bestway Express who was to become ATA chairman, turned into a celebration of his life.
“He was looking forward to this job more than anyone I have known,” said Ray Kuntz, chairman and CEO of Watkins and Shepard Trucking. “One of my last memories was him driving out of my driveway on his motorcycle” at the conclusion of a fly-fishing vacation this summer in Montana.
“He was very excited for this opportunity,” Williams said. “Mac led a full life. He had a zest for life, and that is something we can all do a better job of embracing.”
Editor's Note — Sympathy cards may be sent to:
C. James McCormick II
/o Bestway Express