ITS America Conference Under Way

Transportation professionals are gathered in Washington, D.C., this week for the Intelligent Transportation Society of America’s annual meeting, where they will discuss the industry’s ever-changing technological landscape as well as some of the new solutions and challenges it creates.

Topics to be covered at the conference, which is being held April 19 to 22 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, include:

  • Infrastructure requirements for electronic toll operations and smart technology deployments at vehicle inspection sites.

  • Mobile communications devices used by companies to stay in contact with their trucks and drivers.

  • The benefits of intelligent transportation systems and how they are changing the way carriers do business.

  • Technology initiatives that will affect the way commercial traffic crosses international borders.

    Featured speakers include Julie Cirillo, program manager for the Motor Carrier and Highway Safety business unit, and John McQuaid, president of the National Private Truck Council.

    The conference also has an exhibition, where more than 100 vendors will market their technological wares to the 4,000 expected attendees.
