Iowa Fuel Taxes to Rise 10¢ March 1

Branstad by Daniel Acker/Bloomberg News
Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad has signed a bill that raises state diesel and gasoline taxes by 10 cents per gallon as of March 1.

Both houses of the legislature passed the measure this week, and the final bill was sent to the governor Feb. 25.

Under Iowa law, governors have three days in which to sign bills, and the fuel-tax measure calls for the levy to increase on the first day of the following month, Branstad’s press secretary, Jimmy Centers, told Transport Topics.

The bill passed with substantial bipartisan support in both chambers. The state’s current gasoline tax is 21 cents per gallon, and the diesel tax is 22.5 cents a gallon, according to the American Petroleum Institute.

Branstad, a Republican, threw his weight behind higher fuel levies immediately after his re-election last November, saying that the state badly needed new revenue in order to maintain and upgrade its road system.