Insurance Issues Could Thwart Initial Growth of Nafta Trucking

If the North American Free Trade Agreement had created a true common market, like the one in Europe, problems about insuring Mexican and U.S. motor carriers to operate as foreigners in each other’s market probably could be resolved fairly easily, in the opinion of a Texas underwriter with experience in both countries.

“When a U.S.-licensed truck enters Mexico, its American insurance is no longer valid nor is it proof of financial responsibility within the Mexican Republic,” says James Dawson, a lawyer, chartered property and casualty underwriter and owner of Dawson, Miranda y Skerianz Inc., a Dallas-based Mexican general agent. “If a Mexican-licensed vehicle comes into this country, for example, the Texas Department of Insurance does not recognize a Mexican insurance policy as proof of financial responsibility.”

For the full story, see the April 30 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.