Ill. Interstate Speed Limit Raised to 70 MPH

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn (D) signed into law legislation boosting the states rural interstate speed limit to 70 mph, the Associated Press reported.

The law goes into effect in January and increases the speed limit from 65 mph in less populated areas. Eight counties with urban areas can opt out, according to AP.

“This limited 5 miles-per-hour increase will bring Illinois’ rural interstate speed limits in line with our neighbors and the majority of states across America, while preventing an increase in excessive speeding,” Quinn said in a statement.

The law applies to four-lane divided highways and allows state officials discretion, such as if a roadway can’t handle high speeds, AP reported.

“I encourage all motorists to continue to respect our traffic laws, avoid distractions and exercise common sense behind the wheel to protect the safety of themselves and others,” he said.