Government Shutdown Would Not Affect Federal Transportation Safety Programs

FMCSA, FHWA Programs to Remain in Place, DOT Says

Federal funding for highway projects and motor carrier safety programs will continue if the federal government shuts down after Friday, the Department of Transportation said.

In its shutdown plans released Friday, DOT said that both the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Federal Highway Administration would be safe during a shutdown.

As of Friday afternoon, congressional leaders and the White House had not reached a deal to fund the government beyond midnight Friday. Without the funding, most nonessential employees throughout the government would be furloughed.

But because FMCSA and FHWA are both financed by the Highway Trust Fund, they would therefore suffer no furloughs.

Most other DOT agencies would have to furlough employees under a shutdown, DOT said. Almost 18,000 of the department’s more than 58,000 employees would be furloughed.