DOT Freight Transport Index Plunges 14.2%

Tom Biery/Trans Pixs

The Department of Transportation’s freight transportation services index fell 14.2% in June from a year earlier, the largest June-to-June decline in the 20 years in which it has been calculated.

The index was unchanged from May, remaining at its lowest level in 12 years, DOT’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics said in its monthly report Wednesday.

The freight index has declined in all but two of the past 11 months and has dropped 14.8% in that 11-month period, DOT said.

The freight index has declined 14.7% in the five years from June 2004, the ninth consecutive month in which the index declined in a five-year period.

The TSI is a seasonally adjusted monthly index measuring the output of services provided by the for-hire transportation industries, including railroad, air, truck, inland waterways, pipeline and local transit.