ATA Names Timothy Lynch to New Executive Position

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merican Trucking Associations President Bill Graves on Tuesday named Timothy Lynch to the new position of senior vice president, federation relations and strategic planning.

Lynch, who has been president and chief executive officer of the Motor Freight Carriers Association since 1997, will assume his ATA post on Oct. 3. Lynch had previously worked for ATA from 1993 to 1997.

Graves said Lynch will help develop and execute strategic plans to ensure that ATA and its member motor carriers achieve the necessary public policy goals to keep the U.S. trucking industry safe, efficient and profitable.

One critical element of Lynch’s assignment will be to mobilize and coordinate the efforts of ATA’s affiliated and non-affiliated organizations, including its councils and conferences. This includes its fifty affiliated state trucking associations.

“Truckers move the nation’s freight and are vital to continuing our economic prosperity. I am excited about ‘coming home’ and working with all segments of the industry to meet our goals and objectives,” Lynch said.

“We’re very pleased to have Tim Lynch join us,” Graves said. “As the trucking industry continues to grow larger and more important to the national economy and our way of life, Tim’s mission is to be ready with a sensible plan in hand when our national decision-makers consider actions that may help or hinder our role in delivering the nation’s freight and providing millions of good jobs.”