New Chairman Pat Thomas Heads List of ATA Leadership Changes

PHILADELPHIA — American Trucking Associations updated its top leadership at the end of its Management Conference & Exhibition here Oct. 20.
As expected, Pat Thomas of UPS Inc. was elected the 71st chairman of ATA, succeeding Duane Long, who now is chairman of the executive committee of ATA's board of directors.
"It is an immense honor to be chosen by my fellow ATA members as their chairman for the next year," Thomas said. "I want to thank them for this opportunity and say how privileged I feel to be leading this outstanding organization at such a critical time for our industry."
"Pat has always been an outstanding advocate for the trucking industry, and I have great faith that he will continue to be one in his role as chairman," ATA President Bill Graves said. "His passion for trucking will serve this federation and our industry well."
Joining Thomas is Kevin Burch, president of Jet Express of Dayton, Ohio, who was elevated to first vice chairman. The new second vice chairman is Dave Manning, president of TCW Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee.
The two vice chairmen are Barry Pottle, CEO of Pottle's Transportation of Hermon, Maine, and Sherri Garner Brumbaugh, CEO of Garner Transportation of Findlay, Ohio.
Brumbaugh is the daughter of the late Vern Garner, a former chairman of ATA.
Former ATA Chairman Tommy Hodges was elected to serve as interim treasurer.
"The past year has been a tremendous experience for me and my family," Long said. "I’d like to thank the ATA staff, the state association executives and my fellow truckers for the chance to serve as your chairman. I wish Pat all the best and believe he will be a superb representative of our industry."