FMCSA Gets $269 Million In Appropriations Bill

A big boost for roadside inspections, a program to crack down on truckers with poor driving records and the resurrection of the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee are part of the new appropriations bill for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

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The agency’s funding totals $269 million for the fiscal year that began Oct. 1. It is also the first full-year appropriations measure for FMCSA, which was created by an act of Congress in late 1999.

The authorizations are part of the larger transportation spending bill for fiscal 2001. The package arrived Oct. 11 on the desk of President Clinton, who is expected to sign it.

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The legislation also contains $30.7 billion for the federal-aid highway program, an increase of $2 billion over 2000, and includes earmarks for roads damaged by natural disasters, such as Hurricanes Floyd and Dennis, and for the Appalachian Highway System.

For the full story, see the Oct. 16 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.